Annual WWWA Picnic
Be sure to mark the date: Saturday, July 14th – Bastille Day – for the WWWA picnic and all-round good time!
The event will be held at the home of Mary Downing (address and directions to follow). We’ll have a BBQ (burgers and hot dogs), cold drinks and pot luck side dishes and desserts – so bring a dish to share, and a chair per person. Beer and wine are not provided, but you can bring your own.
We’ll have a “round-robin match,” so bring a puppy or veteran and we’ll have a puppy evaluation of our latest litter for the education program. I hear there will be a meeting as well.
I’ve invited lots of people who are not club members but part of the whippet community and my sisters (not whippet people) will be here from the Midwest and Florida.
RSVP to is appreciated, and pray for nice weather.
-submitted by Mary Downing,