Lost Creek 2011
These are kind of hard to write, primarily because I don’t know where to start. By, December 2010, I basically had all my dogs finished. Now what to do? For some, the next step would be some kind of performance event, but I’m not strong enough for agility and they don’t hold running events indoors. (I hate most outdoor activities, honestly.) So, for me, the next step was to breed Olivia, who had just turned four. I did a ton of research, trying to find just the right dog, as I planned to drive her to her new boyfriend in the spring. She had other ideas and came in season in January. Oh dear, now I need a local dog. Though a series of events, I decided to breed to “Kiefer” (Summit Ironwood Other Sutherland, now a Champion, but not then). Olivia had met Kiefer when she was in her first season and he was just a baby, they loved each other, but I had thought no more about it. At any rate, they reunited joyously!
March 17, 2011, seven little puppies were born. Shawna had asked if she could co-breed the litter and I had agreed. The puppies were beautiful, full of personality and vigor from birth. We had a great time with them, until Shawna had to move back to Canada. Puppies were all I did for the next six months, except a couple of judging assignments. My house hold was totally dedicated to the raising of puppies, including all of the other dogs. Jeanette Dorsey’s elderly bitch, Madeline, had lived here for four years. Until those babies came along, I thought she was ready to check out. She respected their Mom but in all other ways became their guardian and caretaker. Madeline lived another six months, largely (I believe) for those puppies. When they turned six months, she said “I’ve done my job and I’m ready to go now”.
Elliot also left this year, for a lovely home in Oregon. Wonderful people, but the man has some major health problems, so if anyone has some spare prayers, please pray for Tom and Paula.
I judged the Lower Mainland Whippet Association “Show-and-Go” , which is one of my favorite events and great fun! I judged the Puget Sound Borzoi Club Specialty show this summer, also great fun. Lots of nice dogs at both events.
Puppies finally reached the age of six months and off we went to our first shows. Tony (Lost Creek McKaden Saltimbanco) was WD at his first US show and WD at his second US show. He has four points, including a major. Chris Downing shows him for me when he is available. I showed him myself once, in Canada, and he won his class but was not considered beyond that. Sister Lola (Lost Creek McKaden Quidam) went to Canada, too, and has one very nice reserve and two Canadian points. Brother Dre (Lost Creek McKaden Drallion), who also lives here, is looking rather like a “pet” these days but is the nicest baby house dog I’ve ever met, so he is just hanging around, trying to grow up. The rest of the puppies mostly went to friends. Anne Herrett has an adorable little red brindle girl, Melissa Rundquist has an amazing red bitch, another red bitch lives with my boss. The final girl was Shawna’s pick and she did not turn out as expected but now lives a Gravy Life in Oregon with a super nice young man and her BFF Duke, a Chihuahua.
Marley is now twelve and a half and just started wearing P.J.s full time. Mariah is eleven and a half and doesn’t need P.J.s as she has her love to keep her warm. In other words, lots of well-padded roundness. I’m still working with no big plans to retire any time soon. I turned 65 and I’m trying to get used to that. I think I heard that 65 is the new 50…
Everyone have a lovely year in 2012!
(Sorry if this is too long, good thing I only do it once every few years.)
-submitted by Helen Brettell