In Memoriam...

[singlepic id=551 w=320 h=240 float=right]Monika (Am. Can. Ch. Whimsy's Chamonix) slipped from this world to a better place the afternoon of November 18, in the arms of Chrissy and I, in front of her beloved woodstove, watching the world outside her window. Monika gave us 15 1/2 years of sass and attitude, so much so that she really responded to the name Sassy or Sassafras as much if not more so than her given name. She ruled the roost around here, in bossy fashion in her younger years, and in a much more subdued way the last few, but she still elicited fear and astonishingly good behavior from all when she demanded it. She gave us amazingly good kids, beautiful, smart, athletic, and stars in their own right. She was the best Mom, and would step in to surrogate if she was given the chance. Our home has a big hole in it right now and no one, no matter how loved or special, will be able to fill that place for a long time. -submitted by Chris Downing

In MemoriamBeth Levine