September 27, 2009 NOTRA Results
For our second day of the race weekend, we had a repeat performance from the weather gods – absolutely beautiful. Again, a great group of people with a nice sized entry. Thanks to all who were there, pitched in and participated. It was another great day, with some really exciting races. There was no predicting who was going to win this meet. Check out the high point finishes from race to race! Congratulations to all! There was some nice stuff going on in the lower numbered races too – I know I wasn’t the only one having fun watching.
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WWWA NOTRA Results September 27, 2009 Roy, WA 270 yd U-val 4program, 4 dog, drag lure Results prepared by Kerie Swepston
Whippets Entered = 30
(WWWA club member dogs noted in blue)
Place NOTRA# Call_Name Reg_Name Owner Pts Notes 1 Pend Kelp MONKEY HOUSE KELPERTON ROCKET Kirschbaum 23 4 ORC pts, 4 NORC Pts 2 3760 Anakin Hilerica Skywalker Adley 22 2 ORC pts, 2 NORC pts 3 4909 OB Shadow Run Obsidion Night Sowards 21 ORC 4 3700 Cochiti Farseer Cochiti Salts 17 ORC 5 Pend Marco Shadow Run Marco Sowards 16 6 3833 Bobby Aumbreleye What About Bob Konizeski 15 7 3876 Bree Quixand Corsa Con Brio Rizk 15 8 3592 NIMBY QuiXand Jammin' NIMBY O'Farseer Salts/Wilks 13.5 9 3683 Aaron-R Whoapats Top Hat and Tails Rizk 13 10 Pend Jimmie Aumbreleye Gentlemen Jim Konizeski/Cassel 13 11 3910 Tai Jammin Jujube Aylen 12 12 4715 O'Brady Lyth Bradox O'Shadow Run Sowards 12 13 Pend Cassie-K AUMBRELEYE PARKER'S GIRL KONIZESKI 11 14 3455 Jet Nouveau's Auto Pilot Swepston 11 15 3456 Slick Nouveau's Black Gold Swepston 10 16 3891 Mojo Nouveau's Hoodoo Mojo Nichols 10 17 3637 Calypso Blarneystone Calypso Shusterman 9 18 4252 Pink Nouveau's Awfully Pretty Swepston 8 19 3609 Tiercel Serendipity Nighthawk Levine 8 20 3377 Stormy Dreams Stormin Home Hillen 7 21 4524 Solar Shadow Run Solar Eclipse Sowards 7 22 Pend Sunny Aumbreleye Sunny Bonzer Taylor 7 FTE 23 2788 Riley Windyglen's Black to the Future Johnson 7 24 Pend Pinky MONKEY HOUSE PINKINSTEIN TRUFFLE Kirschbaum 5 DNF 2, scr 3 25 3810 Kestrel Serendipity Sparrowhawk Beth Levine 4 26 3767 Tikki Westchase Bling Cranshaw 3 scr 3, FTE 27 4743 Lark Serendipity Skylark Levine 3 scr 2 28 3245 Willow Blarneystone Sunrunner Shusterman 2 scr 3 29 3468 Dapper Nouveau's Ladies Man Tripp 2 scr 2 30 3505 Roadie HILERICA STICKY FINGERS ADLEY 0 scr 2
Race by Race Results Program 1 1 Sunny, Lark, Kestrel, Roadie 2 Slick, Tikki, Stormy 3 Calypso, Tiercel, Riley 4 Pinky, Jimmie, Mojo, Willow 5 Bobby, Cassie, Dapper, Pink 6 NIMBY, Aaron, Bree, Jet 7 Cochiti, Marco, Tai, O'Brady 8 Anakin, OB, Kelp, Solar
Program 2 1 O'Brady, Jet, Willow, Pink 2 Stormy, Riley, Kestrel 3 Bree, Tai, Mojo, Tikki 4 Aaron, Cassie, Jimmie, Tiercel 5 Kelp, Marco, Solar, Sunny 6 Bobby, Slick, Calypso, Pinky DNF 7 OB, Anakin, Cochiti, NIMBY
Program 3 1 Jet, Pink, Tiercel, Kestrel 2 Tai, Mojo, O'Brady, Riley 3 Cassie, Jimmie, Sunny, Solar 4 Marco, Bree, Calypso, Stormy 5 Cochiti, NIMBY, Aaron, Slick 6 Anakin, Kelp, OB, Bobby
Program 4 1 Pink, Tiercel, Riley, Kestrel 2 O'Brady, Mojo, Solar, Sunny 3 Jimmie, Jet, Slick, Stormy 4 Bree, Aaron, Tai, Calypso 5 Marco, NIMBY, Bobby, Cassie 6 Kelp, OB, Cochiti, Anakin
Submitted by WWWA Race Secretary Kerie Swepston[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]