January General Meeting

Hope everyone survived the great December 2008 Snow-In! I have never been so happy to go to work as I was today after being stuck at home for 10 days. I owe a huge debt of gratitude to fellow club-member Chris Downing for rescuing me on Friday to take me grocery shopping and help dig out my driveway. Thanks Chris! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and here's wishing for normal weather in the New Year! I just talked to club president Mary Downing, who is still without regular phone service and internet, so she asked me to post a quick head's up that our regular January meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January 28. The time and location will be announced later, but please mark your calendars and plan to attend. If you are a committee chair, please keep in mind your budgets will be due at this meeting.

If you are willing to work on a committee in 2009, please let us know, and if you have been on a committee and wish to be replaced in the New Year, please let us know that as well.

Hope everyone has a very Happy New Year!

Club BusinessBeth Levine