March race meet flyer
Here is the flyer for our March race meets. 3/17/2012 UPDATE: The NOTRA has been changed from a 350 meter to a 300 yard.
Western Washington Whippet Association
Saturday, March 24, 2012 — NAWRA/LGRA Whippets: 200 yards, 4 programs, 6 dog races Whippet Puppies: 150 yards, 3 programs, 4 dog races Other Breeds: 200 yards, 3 programs, 4 dog races
Sunday, March 25, 2012 — ALL-BREED NOTRA/ISWS Whippets:
350 meters300 yards, 4 programs, 4 dog races Other Breeds:350 meters300 yards, 3 programs, 4 dog racesInspection: 9:00 a.m. each day
Eligible entry NAWRA: Whippets; puppies 8-14 months may be entered in puppy races. LGRA: Open to any Afghan Hound, Azawakh, Basenji, Borzoi, Chart Polski, Cirneco dell’Etna, Greyhound, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Magyar Agar, Pharaoh Hound, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Saluki, Scottish Deerhound and Sloughi one year or older on the day of the meet; Silken Windhounds may enter provisionally. NOTRA: Open to any Afghan Hound, Basenji, Borzoi, Cirneco dell’Etna ,Greyhound, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Magyar Agar, Pharaoh Hound, Portuguese Podengo, Rhodesian Ridgeback, Saluki, Scottish Deerhound, Sloughi and Whippet one year or older on the day of the meet. ISWS: Open to any Silken Windhound one year or older on the day of the meet.
General Rules All racers must wear muzzles. All racers will be boxed unless the race committee deems the boxes will not accommodate a breed in attendance. Entries will only be accepted from hounds qualified to race. Hounds must be registered with the parent organizations to participate. To register in advance see the appropriate website (NAWRA:; LGRA:; NOTRA: for more information. Registration will be offered the day of the meet; for each organization, please bring a copy of hound’s registration and the $2 registration fee. However, pre-registration is greatly appreciated by the race secretary – thank you for your cooperation!
Pre-Entry Fees: $12 first dog, $10 each additional dog; $35 kennel fee (four dogs or more). Puppy races: $8. Day-of-Meet Fees: $15.00 per dog, no kennel discount. Checks payable to: WWWA
Pre-entries close: Thursday, March 22, 2012, 6:00 p.m.
Day-of-Meet entries close: 9:00 a.m. the day of the meet Entries to: Kerie Swepston,, 253-224-9980
Accommodations Camping (sorry no hookups) is allowed on the field at no charge.
Prairie Hotel (~13 miles from field) 360-458-8300 701 Prairie Park Lane, Yelm, WA
Crossland Economy Studios (~16 miles from field) 253-538-9448 8801 S. Hosmer St, Tacoma WA http://www.crosslandstudios.
com/property/Crossland- Economy-Studios-Tacoma-Hosmer- hotel.html (general hotel policy is one dog per room, but waived for our club events: mention WWWA or ask for general manager Jeremiah Durham) Food: There will be a potluck lunch each day. Unless time is an issue, we will be stopping for lunch so we can all rest and enjoy each others company! Remember, there is electricity available at the field, so crock pots are more than welcome! We’ll offer a prize for best dish both days, so make your contributions good ones!
Practice: We will offer practice runs between programs both days – workers, time and equipment permitting – for $5/dog (no charge for workers!). See race secretary for sign up the day of the meet.
Directions From the North: From I-5 take exit #127 (Hwy 512 Puyallup exit) towards Puyallup. Take the Pacific Ave exit (Hwy 7) and turn right. Go south on Pacific Ave approximately 5 miles to the Roy “Y” and bear right on WA-507/Spanaway McKenna Hwy. Go 1.2 miles and turn slight left onto 8th Ave. Go 5.2 miles and, after the flashing yellow light at the intersection at 288th, look for the first driveway on the left. Turn left into the driveway and follow the dirt road to the clubhouse.
From the South: Take I-5 exit 88A (Tenino exit) and follow to Yelm. Turn right at the stop light and follow to McKenna. Turn right at stop light in McKenna (Exxon station) on Hwy 702/352nd St. Go 5.3 miles to flashing yellow light and turn left on 8th Ave. Go approximately 3.5 miles and look for the last driveway on the right before the flashing light at the 288th Street intersection. Turn right into the driveway and follow the dirt road to the clubhouse.